Connecting outside at Burlington Recovery Homes

What is a “sober living home”?
Sober living homes are one piece of the larger picture of recovery. They aren’t treatment programs or halfway houses; rather the residents enter sober living homes to sustain their recovery. Residents are on their own to attend support group meetings, and often encourage each other to go. We understand the bravery it takes to live one day at a time in recovery. We’ve either lived it ourselves or have walked with a loved one as they’ve suffered from substance use disorder.
What are the admission requirements?
Schedule and complete an interview with our team (once a week, typically Tuesday morning via a telephone call).
Must be an addict or alcoholic by admission or have been impacted by addiction issues.
Must be sober and detoxed.
Must be a male 18 years of age or older.
Must have a strong desire to continue a personal journey of moving their life forward in recovery.
What services are provided to residents?
We’re here as an extended family, ready to listen, encourage, and offer support. We’ll help identify community resources, including employment opportunities. We’ll help guide people through basic life skills, such as shopping, laundry, cleaning, etc.
We understand that in many cases, our residents have lost driving privileges. We can help coordinate transportation services. We are located near community amenities and have bikes available as well.
We are not a licensed counseling program; residents are living independently. Through building connections in the homes, residents can support and encourage each other.
Each resident is responsible for their own meals and all daily living tasks.
Are meals provided?
No, each resident is living independently and responsible for their own meals. Our kitchens are fully stocked with the cookware and tools for meal preparation.
Guys going bike riding with Burlington Recovery Homes
Do you do regular drug and alcohol testing?
We will do intermittent drug and alcohol testing especially if there is suspected use. Many residents are under court requirements to see a probation officer who will also conduct testing. Residents are expected to participate as requested.
How do people get connected to your housing?
Individuals desiring our type of housing call us directly 218-330-0249. Other referrals come from a variety of sources, including the county staff, treatment facilities, social workers, counselors, homeless programs, county probation departments, MN department of corrections, and word of mouth.
Does a house manager stay at the house overnight?
No, the homes are set up as independent living. Our team members visit our homes and connect with the residents on a regular basis. Our homes are not for individuals who need care, or oversight 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As an independent living environment, we provide housing and support services to help each person as they work on their own responsibilities in life.
How long can someone stay?
There is no limit. Each person is unique; some need our homes for a brief period of time, while others have been with us for more than six years.
Do the homes qualify for housing assistance?
All our beds are approved for housing assistance. However, several residents are (or become) self-paid once they settle in and find work or have other sources of income.

Is BRH immune to substance use disorder tragedy?
Sadly, no. SUD takes lives and the BRH are not immune from experiencing this tragedy. Our hearts are heavy and saddened when we lose a “family member” as you’ll learn in this article:
Tragedies/SUD Stats – SUD deaths in the USA today are staggering. Fentanyl is now the number one killer of individuals between the age of 18-45 years old in the USA today.
In hopes to mitigate tragedy, we have naloxone at each home. Additionally, we utilize community resources such as the SUD/suboxone clinic.
“Each one of us facing substance use disorders has our own struggles”
“and Joe, one of the house managers, is no different, yet he always makes time for us. I can’t imagine my life without him. Jesus is my rock, and Joe is my stepping stone. I hope I never step too hard. I have never met anyone else in my life that has his intuition and compassion.”
Shannon W.
Would you like more information?
Call us today with any questions or to schedule a phone application interview.